The Muse should be sprightly, Yet not handling lightly Things graue; as much loath, Things that be slight, to cloath Curiously: To retayne The Comelinesse in meane, Is true Knowledge and Wit....
Such was old Orpheus cunning, That sencelesse things drew neere him, And heards of beasts to heare him, The stock, the stone, the Oxe, the Asse came running, Morley! but this enchaunting...
Chapman; We finde by thy past-prized fraught, What wealth thou dost vpon this Land conferre; Th'olde Grecian Prophets hither that hast brought, Of their full words the true interpreter:...
Like as a man, on some aduenture bound His honest friendes, their kindnes to expresse, T'incourage him of whome the maine is own'd; Some venture more, and some aduenture lesse,...
In new attire (and put most neatly on) Thou Murray mak'st thy passionate Queene apeare, As when she sat on the Numidian throne, Deck'd with those Gems that most refulgent were....
Driue forth thy Flocke, young Pastor, to that Plaine, Where our old Shepheards wont their flocks to feed; To those cleare walkes, where many a skilfull Swaine To'ards the calme eu'ning, tun'd his pleasant Reede,...
The worlds faire Rose, and Henries frosty fire, Iohns tyrannie; and chast Matilda's wrong, Th'inraged Queene, and furious Mortimer, The scourge of Fraunce, and his chast loue I song;...
Loue in an humor played the prodigall, And bids my sences to a solemne feast, Yet more to grace the company withall, Inuites my heart to be the chiefest guest;...
Ph'be looke downe, and here behold in mee, The elements within thy sphere inclosed, How kindly Nature plac'd them vnder thee, And in my world, see how they are disposed;...
To nothing fitter can I thee compare, Then to the sonne of some rich penyfather, Who hauing now brought on his end with care, Leaues to his son all he had heap'd together;...
You not alone, when you are still alone, O God from you that I could priuate be, Since you one were, I neuer since was one, Since you in me, my selfe since out of me...
That learned Father which so firmly proues The soule of man immortall and diuine, And doth the seuerall offices define, Anima. Giues her that name as shee the body moues,...
You cannot loue my pretty hart, and why? There was a time, you told me that you would, But now againe you will the same deny, If it might please you, would to God you could;...
An euill spirit your beauty haunts me still, Where-with (alas) I haue been long possest, Which ceaseth not to tempt me vnto ill, Nor giues me once but one pore minutes rest....
Thou which do'st guide this little world of loue, Thy planets mansions heere thou mayst behold, My brow the spheare where Saturne still doth moue, Wrinkled with cares: and withered, dry, and cold;...
Love banish'd heauen, in earth was held in scorne, Wandring abroad in neede and beggery, And wanting friends though of a Goddesse borne, Yet crau'd the almes of such as passed by....
O why should nature nigardly restraine, The Sotherne Nations relish not our tongue, Else should my lines glide on the waues of Rhene, And crowne the Pirens with my liuing song;...
I gaue my faith to Loue, Loue his to mee, That hee and I, sworne brothers should remaine, Thus fayth receiu'd, fayth giuen back againe, Who would imagine bond more sure could be?...