The world of dreams is all my own, Wherein I wander - free, alone; - And each weird, fervid fantasy Is dearer than earth's joys to me. The waking world I share with you;...
Oh, daughter, lovelier than your lovely mother, Whatever punishment you may desire Give my offending verses; in the fire Throw them, please you, or in the Adriatic. Not Dindymene, no, nor even Apollo...
Today I had the awfulest time, Dear mother, in the wood. That hill out there we were to climb, And we'd been very good. But nurse was walking up the hill, When little Anne and I,...
"One time when I was pleasing to you, Lydia, And when no other youth, preferred to me, Your snowy neck could with his arms encircle, Then happier I than Persia's King may be." ...
Oh! it is little Margery who has a garden-bed, Wherein grow purple pansies and geraniums white and red, With feverfew and dahlias, and delicate pink phlox,...
God's mean and careless servant - while I wander Deep in the madness of Philosophy, - Now backward I must set my sail, and ponder Where my forsaken course retraced shall be....
He has a taste that's superfine who flouts at every subway sign, He reckons not that some there be, who cannot tell, unless they see Spelled plain before them on the wall, what things their own they ought to call...
The vision fades - dome, pinnacle and tower, All the white beauty of the lake-side dream, The artist's ideal, the poet's theme Vanish away. Yet for no fleeting hour ...
I'm sure I did not break this cup; It just fell down, - I know it did - For I was only climbing up, Why do they keep the cake-box hid? - I wanted such a little bit! And then I heard that creaking door,...
The hardy youth, my friends, in bitter warfare To narrow poverty must learn to bend, And, for his spear a horseman to be dreaded, Courageous Parthians into flight must send....
What prays the poet of enshrined Apollo? What is he asking for with lifted hands, Pouring a fresh libation from his flagon? - Not fertile crop from rich Sardinian lands, -...
With kindly thought I'd give, Oh Censorinus, Bowls and bronze vases pleasing to each friend; Tripods I'd offer, prizes of brave Grecians, And not the worst of gifts to you I'd send...
Ah Chloe, like a fawn you now elude me, Seeking its timid dam on lonely hills, Its dam who not without an idle tremor At breezes in the forest thrills. For if before the breeze the bushes quiver...
Oh, Fuscus, he whose life is pure and upright, Wants not the Moorish javelin nor the bow, Nor may he need the quiver, heavy laden With arrows poisoned for the lurking foe....
Seek not to learn - Leucono', - a mortal may not know - What term of life on you or me our deities bestow. The Babylonian soothsayer consult not; better bear...
M'cenas, scion of Tyrrhenian rulers, A jar, as yet unpierced, of mellow wine Long waits thee here, with balm for thee made ready And blooming roses in thy locks to twine. ...
Oh, him whom at birth you with favor regarded Melpomene! never an Isthmian game Shall render renowned, though he's skilled as a boxer, Nor shall a swift horse lead him onward to fame....
Ah! Unhappy are the maidens, who love's game are kept from playing, Nor in mellow wine may wash away their cares; Who, scared by scolding uncles' tongues, their terror are displaying, -...
Oh! Ship of State! fresh billows to sea will bear thee back, Then turn about and bravely toward the harbor tack, Thou see'st that thy naked sides defending oarsmen lack. ...