The exhaustion of prison is taking its toll. All the days and the nights arc anguish. Every hope, every passion that stirred my soul My confinement strives to extinguish....
Lying listless in the mosses Underneath a tree that tosses Flakes of sunshine, and embosses Its green shadow with the snow - Drowsy-eyed, I sink in slumber Born of fancies without number -...
The world is asleep! All hushed is Nature's warm, sweet breath. The world is asleep, and dreaming the silent dream of snow, But through the silence that seems like the silence of death,...
Bland as the morning breath of June The southwest breezes play; And, through its haze, the winter noon Seems warm as summer's day. The snow-plumed Angel of the North Has dropped his icy spear;...
I'm weary of this weather and I hanker for the ways Which people read of in the psalms and preachers paraphrase-- The grassy fields, the leafy woods, the banks where I can lie...
Bring me a quart of colonial beer And some doughy damper to make good cheer, I must make a heavy dinner; Heavily dine and heavily sup, Of indigestible things fill up,...
'Twas evening time, in the twilight sweet I sailed along, when--whom should I meet But a Turtle journeying o'er the sea, "On the service of his Majesty."[1]...
I had withdrawn in forest, and my song Was swallowed up in leaves that blew alway; And to the forest edge you came one day (This was my dream) and looked and pondered long,...
I dreamed of a song--I heard it sung; In the ear of my soul its strange notes rung. What were its words I could not tell, Only the voice I heard right well, For its tones unearthly my spirit bound...
Once in a dream (for once I dreamed of you) We stood together in an open field; Above our heads two swift-winged pigeons wheeled, Sporting at ease and courting full in view....
Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream: Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day,...
Young, as the day's first-born Titanic brood, Lifting their foreheads jubilant to heaven, Rose the great mountains on my opening dream. And yet the aged peace of countless years...