Ah, give again the pitiless snow and sleet November's leaves, or raving winds, that beat The heart's own doors, or rain's long ache and fret! Only, not spring and all this delicate sweet!...
The spring, my dear, Is no longer spring. Does the blackbird sing What he sang last year? Are the skies the old Immemorial blue? Or am I, or are you, Grown cold? ...
Oh prophetic bird so bright, Blossom-songster, cuckoo bight! In the fairest time of year, Dearest bird, oh! deign to hear What a youthful pair would pray, Do thou call, if hope they may:...
Man goes to Man! Cry the challenge through the Jungle! He that was our Brother goes away. Hear, now, and judge, O ye People of the Jungle, Answer, who can turn him, who shall stay? ...
You think it horrible that lust and rage Should dance attention upon my old age; They were not such a plague when I was young; What else have I to spur me into song?
God gave him passions, splendid as the sun, Meant for the lordliest purposes; a part Of nature's full and fertile mother heart, From which new systems and new stars are spun....
Come, all ye lads an' list to me, That's left your homes an' crossed the sea, To try your fortune, bound or free, All in this golden land. For twelve long months I had to pace,...
The cow-moose comes to water, and the beaver's overbold, The net is in the eddy of the stream; The teepee stars the vivid sward with russet, red and gold, And in the velvet gloom the fire's a-gleam....
Nothing so idle as to waste This Life disputing upon Taste; And most--let that sad Truth be written-- In this contentious Land of Britain, Where each one holds "it seems to me" Equivalent to Q. E. D.,...
Uncle Sidney, when he wuz here, Maked me a squirtgun out o' some Elder-bushes 'at growed out near Where wuz the brickyard - 'way out clear To where the toll-gate come! ...
'Twas not a palace proud and fair He chose for His first home; No dazz'ling pile of grandeur rare, With pillar'd hall and dome; Oh no! a stable, rude and poor, Received Him at His birth;...
Two instruments belong unto our God: The one a staff is and the next a rod; That if the twig should chance too much to smart, The staff might come to play the friendly part.