KING DAVID. Knights mine, all that be in hall, I have a counsel to you all, Because of this thing God lets fall Among us for a sign. For some days hence as I did eat...
The massy Ways, carried across these heights By Roman perseverance, are destroyed, Or hidden under ground, like sleeping worms. How venture then to hope that Time will spare...
We are budding, Master, budding, We of your favourite tree; March drought and April flooding Arouse us merrily, Our stemlets newly studding; And yet you do not see!
Come with the spring-time forth, fair maid, and be This year again the meadow's deity. Yet ere ye enter give us leave to set Upon your head this flowery coronet; To make this neat distinction from the rest,...
Thoughts toward one another coursing To their pole must run, Hearts that meet, all bonds are forcing, Like the springtime sun. Though to-day too heavy sorrow...
Perhaps, had I but shown due loyalty, This book would have begun with royalty, Of which, in certain points of view, Boss[2] Belly is the image true,...
The men that fought at Minden, they was rookies in their time, So was them that fought at Waterloo! All the 'ole command, yuss, from Minden to Maiwand,...
There'll be royal times in Sydney for the Cuff and Collar Push, There'll be lots of dreary drivel and clap-trap From the men who own Australia, but who never knew the Bush,...
I believe there are few But have heard of a Jew, Named Shylock, of Venice, as arrant a 'screw' In money transactions as ever you knew; An exorbitant miser, who never yet lent...
Four voyagers to parts unknown, On shore, not far from naked, thrown By furious waves, - a merchant, now undone, A noble, shepherd, and a monarch's son, - Brought to the lot of Belisarius,[2]...
[HE] I have a song to sing, O! [SHE] Sing me your song, O! [HE] It is sung to the moon By a love-lorn loon, Who fled from the mocking throng, O! It's the song of a merryman, moping mum,...
Ye nymphs of Solyma! begin the song, To heavenly themes sublimer strains belong. The mossy fountains, and the sylvan shades, The dreams of Pindus, and the Aonian maids,...
A pine was by a woodman fell'd, Which ancient, huge, and hollow tree An owl had for his palace held - A bird the Fates had kept in fee, Interpreter to such as we. Within the caverns of the pine,...
Beware of saying, 'Lend an ear,' To something marvellous or witty. To disappoint your friends who hear, Is possible, and were a pity. But now a clear exception see, Which I maintain a prodigy -...
It is not always wise to say to your company, "Just listen to this joke" or "What do you think of this for a marvel?" for one can never be sure that the listeners will regard the matter in the same way that the teller does. Yet...