With clearer light, Cross of the South, shine forth In blue Brazilian skies; And thou, O river, cleaving half the earth From sunset to sunrise, From the great mountains to the Atlantic waves...
Our fathers toiled for bitter bread While idlers thrived beside them; But food to eat and clothes to wear Their native land denied them. They left their native land in spite Of royalties' regalia,...
Australia's a big country An' Freedom's humping bluey, An' Freedom's on the wallaby Oh! don't you hear 'er cooey? She's just begun to boomerang, She'll knock the tyrants silly,...
Land where the banners wave last in the sun, Blazoned with star-clusters, many in one, Floating o'er prairie and mountain and sea; Hark! 't is the voice of thy children to thee! ...
Let no man stand between my God and me! I claim a Free man's right Of intercourse direct with Him, Who gave me Freedom with the air and light. God made me free.-- Let no man stand between...
Free men of God, the New Day breaks In golden gleams across the sky; The darkness of the night is past, This is the Day of Victory. For this our fathers strove, In stern and fiery love--...
I now delight In spite Of the might And the right Of classic tradition, In writing And reciting Straight ahead, Without let or omission, Just any little rhyme In any little time...
"J'avais une colombe blanche, J'avais un blanc petit pigeon, Tous deux volaient, de branche en branche, Jusqu'au fa'te de mon dongeon: Mais comme un coup de vent d'automne, S'est abattu l', l''pervier,...
Fresh from his fastnesses Wholesome and spacious, The North Wind, the mad huntsman, Halloas on his white hounds Over the grey, roaring Reaches and ridges,...
It was the morning season of the year; It was the morning era of the land; The watercourses rang full loud and clear; Portala's cross stood where Portala's hand Had planted it when Faith was taught by Fear,...
IF these gay tales give pleasure to the FAIR, The honour's great conferred, I'm well aware; Yet, why suppose the sex my pages shun? Enough, if they condemn where follies run;...
Said Friar Yves: "God will bless Saint Louis' other-worldliness. Whatever the fate be, still I fare To fight for the Holy Sepulcher. If I survive, I shall return With precious things from Palestine -...
Frida, I knew that thy life-years were counted. If but before thee a lifting thought mounted, Upward thy gaze turned all wistful to view it, As wouldst thou pursue it. ...
We nailed the hands long ago, Wove the thorns, took up the scourge and shouted For excitement's sake, we stood at the dusty edge Of the pebbled path and watched the extreme of pain. ...