Fold now thine arms and hang the head, Like to a lily withered; Next look thou like a sickly moon, Or like Jocasta in a swoon; Then weep and sigh and softly go, Like to a widow drown'd in woe,...
'T is said that each succeeding year Another circlet weaves Within each living, waving tree; Yet not in buds or leaves,-- But far within the silent core, The tiny shuttles ply,...
Dear boy unborn: the son but of my dream, Promise of yet unrisen day, Come, sit beside me; let us talk, and seem To take such cares and courage for your way,...
Those flaxen locks, those eyes of blue Bright as thy mother's in their hue; Those rosy lips, whose dimples play And smile to steal the heart away, Recall a scene of former joy,...
Oh, dear, how will it end? Peggy and Susie how naughty you are. You little know where you are, Going so far, and so high, Nearly up to the sky. Perhaps it's a Giant who lives there,...
O once I had a true love, As blest as I could be: Patty was my turtle dove, And Patty she loved me. We walked the fields together, By roses and woodbine, In Summer's sunshine weather,...
Pray, take these pearls! - and my thanks for them You lavished, the home of my youth to gem! The thousands of hours of peaceful luster Your spirit has filled, are pearls that cluster...
I should have been too glad, I see, Too lifted for the scant degree Of life's penurious round; My little circuit would have shamed This new circumference, have blamed The homelier time behind. ...