Our Father in the heaven who art, Who tellest all of us, in heart Brothers to be, and on thee call, And wilt have prayer from us all-- Grant, not from mouth alone it flow;...
In the far forest, overhead, A bell is often heard obscurely; How long since first, no one can tell-- Nor can report explain it surely: From the lost church, the rumour hath,...
"How far the world lies under me! Scarce can I see the men below there crawling! How high it bears me up, my lofty calling! How near the heavenly canopy!" Thus, from tower-roof where he doth clamber,...
Would that the Lord would grant us grace, And in his volume write us! With its clear shining let his face To life eternal light us; That we may know his work at length, And what men him have faith in;...
God, the Father, with us be, Let us not fall to badness; Make us from all sinning free, And help us die in gladness. 'Gainst the devil well us ware, And keep our faith from failing,...
Ah God, from heaven look down and view; Let it thy pity waken; Behold thy saints how very few! We wretches are forsaken. Thy word they grant nor true nor right, And faith is thus extinguished quite...
As if some little Arctic flower, Upon the polar hem, Went wandering down the latitudes, Until it puzzled came To continents of summer, To firmaments of sun, To strange, bright crowds of flowers,...
The gentian and the bluebell so Can change my calendar, I know not how the year may go, Or what the seasons are: The months, in some mysterious wise, Take their expression from her eyes....
A Sunbeam and a drop of dew Lay on a red rose in the South: God took the three and made her mouth, Her sweet, sweet mouth, So red of hue, The burning baptism of His kiss...
Traulus, of amphibious breed, Motley fruit of mongrel seed; By the dam from lordlings sprung. By the sire exhaled from dung: Think on every vice in both, Look on him, and see their growth....