I set out for the Land of Content, By the gay crowded pleasure-highway, With laughter, and jesting, I went With the mirth-loving throng for a day; Then I knew I had wandered astray,...
If all must suffer equally, and pay In equal share for that sin wrought by Eve, O Thou, if Thou wilt deign to answer, say: Why are the poor tormented? why made grieve The innocent? why are the free enslaved?...
Do you know the way that goes Over fields of rue and rose, Warm of scent and hot of hue, Roofed with heaven's bluest blue, To the Vale of Dreams Come True?
So we had come at last, my soul and I, Into that land of shadowy plain and peak, On which the dawn seemed ever about to break On which the day seemed ever about to die.
Now while the crimson light fades in the west, And twilight drops her purple shadows low - We stand with Memory on the mountain's crest, That overlooks the land of Long Ago. ...
Methought I journeyed along ways that led for ever Throughout a happy land where strife and care were dead, And life went by me flowing like a placid river Past sandy eyots where the shifting shoals make head....
Oh! that is a beautiful land I wis, The land of the Gone-Away Souls. Yes, a lovelier region by far than this (Though this is a world most fair), The goodliest goal of all good goals,...
I glory in the sages Who, in the days of yore, In combat met the foemen, And drove them from our shore. Who flung our banner's starry field In triumph to the breeze,...
You and your landscape! There it lies Stripped, resuming its disguise, Clothed in dreams, made bare again, Symbol infinite of pain, Rapture, magic, mystery Of vanished days and days to be....
I stood on the Land's End, alone and still. Man might have been unmade, for no frail trace Of mortal labour startled the wild place, And only sea-mews with their wailing shrill,...
Below the braes o' heather, and far alang the glen, The road rins southward, southward, that grips the souls o' men, That draws their fitsteps aye awa' frae hearth and frae fauld,...
Fly swift, my light gazelle, To her who now lies waking, To hear thy silver bell The midnight silence breaking. And, when thou com'st, with gladsome feet, Beneath her lattice springing,...
Sometimes a lantern moves along the night, That interests our eyes. And who goes there? I think; where from and bound, I wonder, where, With, all down darkness wide, his wading light? ...