Under the Sea.

Категория: Поэзия
Under the sea, the great wide sea
That sweeps the golden shore;
What treasures lie beneath the waves

Ask of the winds, the sobbing winds
That toss the waves on high;
And fling the burden of their song
Unto the sky.

Ask of the stars, the jeweled stars
That sleep within the tide;
Like golden lilies floating far,
And swinging wide.

Ask of the clouds that drift at noon
In fadeless seas of blue,
And looking down see skies beneath
Of deeper hue.

Up in the sky, the golden clouds
Will never make reply;
Deep in the sea, the jeweled stars
In silence lie.

Under the sea, the great wide sea
That sweeps the golden shore,
Are secrets hidden from us now
And evermore.

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English (Оригинал)