The Three Hundredth Anniversary Of Milton's Birth.

Категория: Поэзия
(December 9th, 1908.)

"There was a man sent from God, whose name was John."

Three hundred years have left their telltale rings
Upon the tree of Time since he appeared -
Milton (to be remembered and revered);
Whose spirit mounted on seraphic wings;
Who saw, though blind, extraordinary things;
Who wrought in obloquy, and persevered,
And, Orpheus-like, with his great music reared
A monument surpassing those of kings.

Three hundred years, courageous, lofty soul,
Hast thou by precept and example taught
Thy lesson. Have we learned it as we ought?
Have we moved upward, nearer to the goal?
Yea, somewhat have we learned; be with us still,
And teach us Man's high function to fulfil.

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