Life's Car

Категория: Поэзия
'Hurry up!'
No lingering by old doors of doubt -
No loitering by the way,
No waiting a To-morrow car,
When you can board To-day.
Success is somewhere down the track;
Before the chance is gone
Accelerate your laggard pace,
Swing on, I say, swing on -
Hurry up!

'Step lively!'
Belated souls are following fast,
They shout and signal, 'Wait.'
Conductor Time brooks no delay,
He rings the bell of Fate.
But you can give the man behind,
With one hand on the bar,
A final chance to brook defeat,
And board the moving car.
Step lively!

'Move up!'
Make way for others as you sit
Or stand. This crowded earth
Has room for every journeying soul
En route to higher birth.
Ay, room and comfort, if no one
Took double share or space,
Nor let his greed and selfishness
Absorb another's place.
Move up!

'Hold fast!'
The jolting switch of obstacles
With jarring rails is near.
Stand firm of foot, be strong of grip,
Brace well and have no fear.
The Maker of the Car of Life
Foresaw that curve - Despair,
And hung the straps of faith, and hope
So you might grasp them there.
Hold fast!

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English (Оригинал)