Cases - Pollard

Категория: Поэзия
(40 Chancery Division, 345)

"Shall I take your photograph, my pretty maid?"
"You may if you like, kind sir," she said.

"Do you like your photograph, my pretty maid?"
"It is more than flattering, sir," she said.

"I'll publish your photograph, my pretty maid."
"Indeed but you won't, kind sir," she said.

"As a Christmas card, my pretty maid."
"The very idea, kind sir!" she said.

"But what if I've done it, my pretty maid?"
"I'll get an injunction, sir," she said.

"The law is with you, my pretty maid,"
The learned judge of the Chancery said.

"You have proved the negative, my pretty maid,
A difficult thing in law," he said.

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English (Оригинал)