Arms And The Man. - The Two Leaders.

Категория: Поэзия
Two chieftains watch the battle's tide and listen as it rolls
And only HEAVEN above can tell the tumult of their souls!

Cornwallis saw the British power struck down by one fell blow,
A Gallic spearhead on the lance that laid the Lion low.

But the Father of his Country saw the future all unrolled,
Independence blazed before him written down in text of gold,

Like the Hebrew, on the mountain, looking forward then he saw
The Promised Land of Freedom blooming under Freedom's law;

Saw a great Republic spurring in the lists where Nations ride,
The peer of any Power in her majesty and pride;

Saw that young Republic gazing through her helmet's gilded bars
Toward the West all luminous with th' light of coming stars;

From Atlantic to Pacific saw her banners all unfurled
Heard sonorous trumpets blowing bless'd Peace with all the world?

Roused from this glorious vision, with success within his reach,
In few and simple words he made this long-resounding speech:

"The work is done, and well done:" thus spake he on this sod,
In accents calm and measured as the accents of a God.

God, said I? Yes, his image rises on the raptured sight
Like Baldur, the fair and blameless, the Goth's God of the Light!

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