Arms And The Man. - The French In The Trenches.

Категория: Поэзия
And as the allied hosts advance
All the left wing is given to France,
Is given to France and - Fame!
Yes, these together always ride
The Dioscouroi of the tide
Where War plays out the game!
And that broad front 'tis her's to hold
With hand of iron, heart of gold
And helmet plumed with flame.
Across the river broad she sends
DeChoisy and Lauzun where ends
The leaguer far and wide,
While Weedon seconds as he may
The gallant Frenchmen in array
Upon the Gloucester side.

As waves hurled on a stranded keel
Make all the oaken timbers reel
With many a pond'rous blow,
So day by day, and night by night
The French like billows foaming white
Thunder against the foe.

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