Any Other Time

Категория: Поэзия
All of us play our very best game,
Any other time.
Golf or billiards, it's all the same,
Any other time.
Lose a match and you always say,
"Just ny luck! I was 'off' today!
I could have beaten him quite half-way,
Any other time!"

After a fiver you ought to go,
Any other time.
Every man that you ask says "Oh,
Any other time.
Lend you a fiver? I'd lend you two,
But I'm overdrawn and my bills are due,
Wish you'd ask me, now, mind you do,
Any other time!"
Fellows will ask you out to dine,
Any other time.
"Not tonight for we're twenty-nine,
Any other time.
Not tomorrow, for cook's on strike;
Not next day, I'll be out on the bike;
Just drop in whenever you like
Any other time!"

Seasick passengers like the sea,
Any other time.
"Something . . I ate . . disagreed . . with . . me!
Any other time.
Ocean-travelling is .. simply bliss,
Must be my . . liver . . has gone amiss . .
Why, I would . . laugh . . at a sea . . like this,
Any other time!"

Most of us mean to be better men,
Any other time:
Regular upright characters then,
Any other time.
Yet somehow as the years go by
Still we gamble and drink and lie,
When it comes to the last we'll want to die,
Any other time!

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English (Оригинал)