I had a little nut-tree, nothing would it bear But a silver nutmeg and a golden pear; The King of Spain's daughter came to visit me, And all for the sake of my little nut-tree.
The Frogs prayed to Jove for a king: "Not a log, but a livelier thing." Jove sent them a Stork, Who did royal work, For he gobbled them up, did their king.
Il 'tait un petit homm', A cheval sur un b'ton; Il s'en allait ' la chass', A la chass' aux hannetons, Et ti ton, tain', et ti ton tain', Et ti ton tain' et ti ton ton. ...
There was a little man And he woo'd a little maid, And he said, "Little maid, will you wed, wed, wed? I have little more to say Than 'will you, yea or nay?'...
Now we dance looby, looby, looby, Now we dance looby, looby light; Now we dance looby, looby, looby, Now we dance looby as yesternight. Shake your right hand a little, Shake your left hand a little,...
Oranges and lemons, says the bells of St. Clemen's; You owe me five farthings, says the bells of St. Martin's; When will you pay me, says the bells of Old Bailey; When I grow rich, says the bells of Shoreditch;...
When Summer on the earth was queen She held her court in gardens green Fair hung with tapestry of leaves, Where threads of gold the sun enweaves With checquered patterns on the floor...
Sur le pont d'Avignon, Tout le monde y danse, danse; Sur le pont d'Avignon, Tout le monde y danse en rond. Les beaux messieurs font comm' 'a, Et puis encor' comm' 'a: Sur le pont d'Avignon,...
"How Master that little Dog pets!" Thinks the Ass; & with jealousy frets, So he climbs Master's knees, Hoping dog-like to please, And a drubbing is all that he gets. ...
"What pranks I shall play!" thought the Ass, "In this skin for a Lion to pass;" But he left one ear out, And a hiding, no doubt, "Lion" had--on the skin of an Ass! ...
Crafty Lion,--perhaps with the gout, Kept his cave; where, to solve any doubt, Many visitors go: But the Ass, he said "No! They go in, but I've seen none come out."
From the hounds the swift Deer sped away, To his cave, where in past times he lay Well concealed; unaware Of a Lion couched there, For a spring that soon made him his prey. ...