"Baa! Baa! Black sheep, have you any wool?" "Yes, marry, have I, three bags full; One for my master, and one for my dame, But none for the little boy that lives down the lane!"
Billy Pringle had a little pig, When it was young it was not very big, When it was old it lived in clover, Now it's dead and that's all over. Billy Pringle he lay down and died,...
Twin children: the Girl, she was plain; The Brother was handsome & vain; "Let him brag of his looks," Father said; "mind your books! The best beauty is bred in the brain." ...
From Deutschland I come with my light wares all laden, To dear happy England in summer's gay bloom; Then listen, fair lady, and young pretty m'dchen, Come buy of the wandering Baierin a broom;...
Ding dong bell! Pussy's in the well! Who put her in? Little Tommy Lin. Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Stout. What a naughty boy was that To drown poor pussy-cat, Who ne'er did any harm,...
A Boy heedless slept by the well By Dame Fortune awaked, truth to tell, Said she, "Hadst been drowned, 'Twould have surely been found This by Fortune, not Folly befel." ...
Her neck did she CRANE, As she looked up the LANE To see the Three Bears pass by. They all went in, oddly, At the head of the Bodley An A.B.C. for to buy.
1. Girls and boys come out to play, The moon doth shine as bright as day; Leave your supper, and leave your sleep; Come to your playfellows in the street;
Hot Cross Buns! Hot Cross Buns! One a penny, two a penny, Hot Cross Buns! If you have no daughters, If you have no daughters, If you have no daughters, Pray give them to your sons;...
Hush-a-by baby on the tree-top, When the wind blows the cradle will rock; When the bough breaks the cradle will fall-- Down comes baby, cradle and all!
1. "Oh, what have you got for dinner, Mrs. Bond?" "There's beef in the larder, and ducks in the pond;" "Dilly, dilly, dilly, dilly, come to be killed, For you must be stuffed, and my customers filled!" ...
A Beast he would be, or a bird, As might suit, thought the Bat: but he erred. When the battle was done, He found that no one Would take him for friend at his word. ...
"Their honey I'll have when I please; Who cares for such small things as Bees?" Said the Bear; but the stings Of these very small things Left him not very much at his ease. ...