As Adam, early in the morning, Walking forth from the bower, refresh'd with sleep; Behold me where I pass--hear my voice--approach, Touch me--touch the palm of your hand to my Body as I pass;...
As consequent from store of summer rains, Or wayward rivulets in autumn flowing, Or many a herb-lined brook's reticulations, Or subterranean sea-rills making for the sea, Songs of continued years I sing....
As I ebb'd with the ocean of life, As I wended the shores I know, As I walk'd where the ripples continually wash you Paumanok, Where they rustle up hoarse and sibilant,...
Earth! my likeness! Though you look so impassive, ample and spheric there, I now suspect that is not all; I now suspect there is something fierce in you, eligible to burst forth;...
Who are you, dusky woman, so ancient, hardly human, With your woolly-white and turban'd head, and bare bony feet? Why, rising by the roadside here, do you the colors greet?
Suddenly out of its stale and drowsy lair, the lair of slaves, Like lightning it le'pt forth half startled at itself, Its feet upon the ashes and the rags, its hand tight to the throats of kings. ...
Who has gone farthest? For lo! have not I gone farther? And who has been just? For I would be the most just person of the earth; And who most cautious? For I would be more cautious;...
Fast-anchor'd, eternal, O love! O woman I love! O bride! O wife! more resistless than I can tell, the thought of you! Then separate, as disembodied, or another born,...
Gliding o'er all, through all, Through Nature, Time, and Space, As a ship on the waters advancing, The voyage of the soul - not life alone, Death, many deaths I'll sing.
I will take an egg out of the robin's nest in the orchard, I will take a branch of gooseberries from the old bush in the garden, and go and preach to the world;...
Not my enemies ever invade me - no harm to my pride from them I fear; But the lovers I recklessly love - lo! how they master me! Lo! me, ever open and helpless, bereft of my strength!...
So far, and so far, and on toward the end, Singing what is sung in this book, from the irresistible impulses of me; But whether I continue beyond this book, to maturity,...
After all, not to create only, or found only, But to bring, perhaps from afar, what is already founded, To give it our own identity, average, limitless, free;...
Skirting the river road, (my forenoon walk, my rest,) Skyward in air a sudden muffled sound, the dalliance of the eagles, The rushing amorous contact high in space together,...
Courage yet! my brother or my sister! Keep on! Liberty is to be subserv'd, whatever occurs; That is nothing, that is quell'd by one or two failures, or any number of failures,...