Bold-faced ranger (Perfect stranger) Meets two well-behaved young ladies He's attractive, Young and active - Each a little bit afraid is. Youth advances, At his glances...
Is life a boon? If so? it must befal That Death, whene'er he call, Must call too soon. Though fourscore years he give, Yet one would pray to live Another moon! What kind of plaint have I,...
If my action's stiff and crude, Do not laugh, because it's rude. If my gestures promise larks, Do not make unkind remarks. Clockwork figures may be found Everywhere and all around....
When I went to the Bar as a very young man, (Said I to myself said I), I'll work on a new and original plan (Said I to myself said I), I'll never assume that a rogue or a thief...
A hive of bees, as I've heard say, Said to their Queen one sultry day, "Please your Majesty's high position, The hive is full and the weather is warm, We rather think, with a due submission,...
When I first put this uniform on, I said as I looked in the glass. "It's one to a million That any civilian My figure and form will surpass. Gold lace has a charm for the fair,...