We were all sore and broken and keen on sleep, Tumours and hearts and dropsies, there we lay, Weary of night and wearier of day, With no more health in us than rotten sheep....
My dear Sir, - "There lies a vale in Ida Lovelier Than all the valleys Of Ionian hills." I take it That this is a geographical fact. Anyway it is Tennyson, And I quote it...
My dear Madame Bernhardt, - I have been very nigh addressing this ode To the winner of the Derby. But, on second thoughts, I said, "No, no - never!" (Non, non, jamais, in fact.)...
Dear Brindle, - Possibly your name is not Brindle, But that is of no consequence; The great point, my dear Brindle, being That when his Majesty Edward VII. Landed at Flushing the other day...