What tale is this which stirs a world of knaves Out of its grubbing to throw greasy pence Forth to the hat, and choke with eloquence In boastful prose and verse of doubtful staves?...
My dear Sir, - "There lies a vale in Ida Lovelier Than all the valleys Of Ionian hills." I take it That this is a geographical fact. Anyway it is Tennyson, And I quote it...
My dear Sir, - Oft in the stilly night My thoughts fly In your direction, For oft in the stilly night It is my unfortunate habit To have uncomfortable dreams, And the worst of them...
My dear Sir, - In the whole round Of animated nature I am acquainted With nothing or nobody Who is, generally speaking, So gay, gaudy, and interesting As yourself. From my youth up...
Dear Sir or Madam (As the case may be), - Peace hath her victories as well as war And sometimes When I have occasion to travel In this muggy metropolis of ours,...
My dear Sir, - I suppose you are having an excellent time just now. There are a large number of counties In England and Scotland, And I am not acquainted with one of them Wherein your bang-bang...