He just had reached the time of life, When cares are felt by men, But when they're strong to bear them well, - A score of years and ten. "Heigh ho!" says he, "and this is life,...
'Tis morning, and the meadows yet, Are wet with gracious drops of dew. Each blade of grass, and flow'r, is set With sparkling gems of richest hue. The sun, with rising glory, sheds...
The grass is wet with heavy dew, The leaves have changed their bright green hue, To brighter red, or golden; The morning sun shines with a glow, As bright and pure as long ago,...
While genius endows the sons of men With eloquence, or with poetic pen, It leaves them still the frailties of our frame, It does not curb, but fans th' unrighteous flame....
The waves are dashing on the shore, With wild, glad joy, I stand and view them; And, as they break with sullen roar, My heart responds with gladness, to them.
Come now, my Muse, do thou inspire my pen, To sing, with worthy strain, my country's praise, But not to hide the faults within my ken, By tricks of art, or studied, verbal maze,...
Old father Time, his cruel scythe Has swung full oft around, Since last the merry Christmas, bells Rang out their cheerful sound. With cruel vigor he has held His great, impartial sway,...
The beauty of Israel is slain on thy mountains, The mighty are low, and how great is their fall, But tell not our grief in Gath, by the fountains, And publish it not within Askelon's wall,...
Fair Happiness, I've courted thee, And used each cunning art and wile, Which lovers use with maidens coy, To win one tender glance or smile. Thou hast been coy as any maid,...