Of Neptune's empire let us sing, At whose command the waves obey; To whom the rivers tribute pay, Down the high mountains sliding: To whom the scaly nation yields Homage for the crystal fields...
I care not for these ladies that must be wooed and prayed; Give me kind Amaryllis, the wanton country maid. Nature Art disdaineth; her beauty is her own. Her when we court and kiss, she cries: forsooth, let go!...
When to her lute Corinna sings, Her voice revives the leaden strings, And doth in highest notes appear As any challenged echo clear. But when she doth of mourning speak,...
Follow your saint, follow with accents sweet; Haste you, sad notes, fall at her flying feet. There, wrapp'd in cloud of sorrow, pity move, And tell the ravisher of my soul I perish for her love:...
Never weather-beaten sail more willing bent to shore, Never tir'd pilgrim's limbs affected slumber more, Than my wearied sprite now longs to fly out of my troubled breast:...
There is a garden in her face, Where roses and white lilies grow; A heavenly paradise is that place, Wherein all pleasant fruits do flow. These cherries grow which none may buy,...
Thrice toss those oaken ashes in the air; Thrice sit thou mute in this enchanted chair; Then thrice three times tie up this true love's knot, And murmur soft: "She will, or she will not." ...
When thou must home to shades of underground, And there arrived, a new admir'd guest, The beauteous spirits do engirt thee round, White Iope, blithe Helen, and the rest,...
Now winter nights enlarge The number of their hours, And clouds their storms discharge Upon the airy towers. Let now the chimneys blaze, And cups o'erflow with wine; Let well-tuned words amaze...