"Child of my love, why wearest thou That pensive look and thoughtful brow? Can'st gaze abroad on this world so fair And yet thy glance be fraught with care? Roses still bloom in glowing dyes,...
How hushed and still are earth and air, How languid 'neath the sun's fierce ray - Drooping and faint - the flowrets fair, On this hot, sultry, summer day! Vainly I watch the streamlet blue...
Another pang for Southern hearts, That of late so oft have bled, Another name to add to the roll Of their mighty, patriot dead; A vacant place 'mid that phalanx proud. Of which each glorious name...
To all my fond rhapsodies, Charley, You have wearily listened, I fear; As yet not an answer you've given Save a shrug, or an ill-concealed sneer; Pray, why, when I talk of my marriage,...
The earth was flooded in the amber haze That renders so lovely our autumn days, The dying leaves softly fluttered down, Bright crimson and orange and golden brown, And the hush of autumn, solemn and still,...
It will be in the recollection of many of our readers that during the famine years of 1847 and 1848 there was an unusual emigration from Ireland to Canada and the United States. Numbers of those who thus left their native land ...
I have passed the day 'mid the forest gay, In its gorgeous autumn dyes, Its tints as bright and as fair to the sight As the hues of our sunset skies; And the sun's glad rays veiled by golden haze,...
It is now two hundred years and more Since first set foot on Canadian shore That saint-like heroine, fair and pure, Prepared all things for Christ to endure; Resigning rank and kindred ties,...
"Open the coffin and shroud until I look on the dead again Ere we place her in Grenada's vaults, Where sleep the Monarchs of Spain; For unto King Charles must I swear That I myself have seen...
'Tis midnight, and solemn darkness broods In a lonely, sacred fane - The church of Our Lady of Montserrat, So famous throughout all Spain; For countless were the pilgrim hosts...
"Child of the Woods, bred in leafy dell, See the palace home in which I dwell, With its lofty walls and casements wide, And objects of beauty on every side; Now, tell me, dost thou not think it bliss...
Nay tell me not that, with shivering fear, You shrink from the thought of wintering here; That the cold intense of our winter-time Is severe as that of Siberian clime,...