Dear mother, dry those flowing tears, They grieve me much to see; And calm, oh! calm thine anxious fears - What dost thou dread for me? 'Tis true that tempests wild oft ride Above the stormy main,...
Silence now reigns in the corridors wide, The stately rooms of that mansion of pride; The music is hushed, the revellers gone, The glitt'ring ball-room deserted and lone, -...
Darkly falls the autumn twilight, rustles by the crisp leaf sere, Sadly wail the lonely night-winds, sweeping sea-ward, chill and drear, Sullen dash the restless waters 'gainst a bleak and rock-bound shore,...
Hush! speak in accents soft and low, And treat with careful stealth Thro' that rich curtained room which tells Of luxury and wealth; Men of high science and of skill Stand there with saddened brow,...
'Twas near the close of the dying year, And December's winds blew cold and drear, Driving the snow and sharp blinding sleet In gusty whirls through square and street, Shrieking more wildly and fiercely still...
With buoyant heart he left his home for that bright wond'rous land Where gold ore gleams in countless mines, and gold dust strews the sand; And youth's dear ties were riven all, for as wild, as vain, a dream...
Another pang for Southern hearts, That of late so oft have bled, Another name to add to the roll Of their mighty, patriot dead; A vacant place 'mid that phalanx proud. Of which each glorious name...
To all my fond rhapsodies, Charley, You have wearily listened, I fear; As yet not an answer you've given Save a shrug, or an ill-concealed sneer; Pray, why, when I talk of my marriage,...
Around the castle turrets fiercely moaned the autumn blast, And within the old lords daughter seemed dying, dying fast; While o'er her couch in frenzied grief the stricken father bent,...
Faded and pale their beauty, vanished their early bloom, Their folded leaves emit alone a sweet though faint perfume, But, oh! than brightest bud or flower to me are they more dear,...
With what a flood of wondrous thoughts Each Christian breast must swell When, wandering back through ages past, With simple faith they dwell On quiet Nazareth's sacred sod,...
It is now two hundred years and more Since first set foot on Canadian shore That saint-like heroine, fair and pure, Prepared all things for Christ to endure; Resigning rank and kindred ties,...
"Open the coffin and shroud until I look on the dead again Ere we place her in Grenada's vaults, Where sleep the Monarchs of Spain; For unto King Charles must I swear That I myself have seen...
He sat by the dusty way-side, With weary, hopeless mien, On his furrowed brow the traces Of care and want were seen; With outstretched hand and with bowed-down head He asked the passers-by for bread....
O say, dear sister, are you coming Forth to the fields with me? The very air is gaily ringing With hum of bird and bee, And crowds of swallows now are chirping Up in our ancient thorn,...
She stands in front of her mirror With bright and joyous air, Smoothes out with a skilful hand Her waves of golden hair; But the tell tale roses on her cheek, So changing yet so bright,...
'Twas not a palace proud and fair He chose for His first home; No dazz'ling pile of grandeur rare, With pillar'd hall and dome; Oh no! a stable, rude and poor, Received Him at His birth;...
Bright glittering lights are gleaming in yonder mansion proud, And within its walls are gathered a gemmed and jewelled crowd; Robes of airy gauze and satin, diamonds and rubies bright,...
"O maiden, peerless, come dwell with me, And bright shall I render thy destiny: Thou shalt leave thy cot by the green hillside, To dwell in a palace home of pride, Where crowding menials, with lowly mien,...