Ah! did you ever hear the Spring Calling you through the snow, Or hear the little blackbird sing Inside its egg - or go To that green land where grass begins, Each tiny seed, to grow? ...
The beauty of this rainy day, All silver-green and dripping gray, Has stolen quite my heart away From all the tasks I meant to do, Made me forget the resolute blue And energetic gold of things . . ....
The peril of fair faces all his days No man shall 'scape: be it for joy or woe, Each is the thrall of some predestined face Divinely doomed to work his overthrow,...
A battered swordsman, slashed and scarred, I scarce had thought to fight again, But love of the old game dies hard, So to't, my lady, if you're fain! I'm scarce the mettle to refrain,...
God of the Wine List, roseate lord, And is it really then good-by? Of Prohibitionists abhorred, Must thou in sorry sooth then die, (O fatal morning of July!) Nor aught hold back the threatened hour...
'Yes, Sir, she's gone at last - 'twas only five minutes ago We heard her sigh from her corner, - she sat in the kitchen, you know: We were all just busy on breakfast, John cleaning the boots, and I...
Go, little book, and be the looking-glass Of her dear soul, The mirror of her moments as they pass, Keeping the whole; Wherein she still may look on yesterday To-day to cheer,...
O spirit of Life, by whatsoe'er a name Known among men, even as our fathers bent Before thee, and as little children came For counsel in Life's dread predicament, Even we, with all our lore,...
Paris, half Angel, half Grisette, I would that I were with thee yet, Where the long boulevard at even Stretches its starry lamps to heaven, And whispers from a thousand trees...
When good-nights have been prattled, and prayers have been said, And the last little sunbeam is tucked up in bed, Then, skirting the trees on a carpet of snow, The elves and the fairies come out in a row....
The D'cadent was speaking to his soul - Poor useless thing, he said, Why did God burden me with such as thou? The body were enough, The body gives me all.
The dead arose. Long had they dreamed, Deep in the grass of the still grave, Of meeting their beloved once more. They knocked at each familiar door. They waited eagerly to see...
Dear Desk, Farewell! I spoke you oft In phrases neither sweet nor soft, But at the end I come to see That thou a friend hast been to me, No flatterer but very friend....
O MIGHTY Queen, our Lady of the fire, The light, the music, and the honey, all Blent in one Power, one passionate Desire Man calleth Love - 'Sweet love,' the blessed call - :...