Above the clouds I sail, above the clouds, And wish my mind Above its clouds could climb as well, And leave behind The world and all its crowds, And ever dwell In such a calm and limpid solitude...
I love the little daisies on the lawn Which contemplate with wide and placid eyes The blue and white enamel of the skies - The larks which sing their mattin-song at dawn,...
The rich, red blood Doth stain the fair, green grass, and daisies white In generous flood ... This sun-drowsed day for me is darkest night. O! wreck of splintered wood and twisted wire,...
Sometimes I fly at dawn above the sea, Where, underneath, the restless waters flow - Silver, and cold, and slow. Dim in the East there burns a new-born sun, Whose rosy gleams along the ripples run,...
Now have I left the world and all its tears, And high above the sunny cloud-banks fly, Alone in all this vast and lonely sky - This limpid space in which the myriad spheres...
The day is cold; the wind is strong; And through the sky great cloud-banks throng, While swathes of snow lie on the ground O'er which I walk without a sound, But I have vowed to fly to-day...
When heavy on my tired mind The world, and worldly things, do weigh, And some sweet solace I would find, Into the sky I love to stray, And, all alone, to wander round In lone seclusion from the ground....
Around me broods the dim, mysterious Night, Star-lit and still. No whisper comes across the Plain, Asleep beneath the breezes light, Which scarcely stir the growing grain....
Sad is the lonely sea - So vast, and smooth, and grey It stretches far from me. Sad is the lonely sea! Its cheerful colours flee Before the fading day. Sad is the lonely sea...
I stood, one azure dusk, in old Auxerre Before the grey Cathedral's towering height, And in the Eastern darkness, very fair I saw a little star that twinkled bright;...