Thou hast entered the land without shadows, Thou who, 'neath the shadow, so long Hast sat with thy white hands close-folded, And lips that could utter no song; Through a rift in the cloud, for an instant,...
Will the shadows be lifted to-morrow? - Will the sunshine come ever again? - Will the clouds, that are weeping in sorrow, Their glorious beauty regain? Will the forest stand forth in its greenness? -...
Before them lay the heaving deep Behind, the foemen pressed; And every face grew dark with fear, And anguish filled each breast Save one, the Leader's, he, serene, Beheld, with dauntless mind,...
I hear the beat of the unresting tide On either shore as swiftly on I glide With eager haste the narrow channel o'er, Which links the floods behind with those before. I hear behind me as I onward glide,...
Upon the plain of Dura stood an image great and high, With golden forehead broad and bright beneath the morning sky; All regal in its majesty and kingly in its mien,...
HONOR TO LABOR! - it giveth health; Honor to labor! - it bringeth wealth; Honor to labor! - our glorious land Displayeth its triumphs on every hand. It has smoothed the plains, laid the forests low,...
Nay, I will not let thee go, Though the midnight glideth slow, - Though the darkness deep and long Dim the sight and hush the song, On thy tender, faithful breast, Find I still my perfect rest -...
A voice missed by the dear home-hearth - A voice of music and gentle mirth - A voice whose lingering sweetness long Will float through many a Sabbath song, And many a hallowed, evening hymn,...
Our field is the world! - let us forth to the sowing, O'er valley and mountain, o'er desert and plain, Beside the still waters through cool meadows flowing, O'er regions unblest by the dew and the rain; -...
A light departed from the hearth of home, Leaving a shadow where its radiance shone, - A flower just bursting into life and bloom, Lopped from its stem, the bower left sad and lone, -...
Strike the chords softly with tremulous fingers, While, on the threshold of happiest years, For a brief moment fond memory lingers, Ere we go forth to life's conflicts and fears! ...
["Dr. Reid, a traveller through the highlands of Peru, is said to have found in the desert of Alcoama the dried remains of an assemblage of human beings, five or six hundred in number, men, women, and children, seated in a semi...
There's a beautiful Artist abroad in the world, And her pencil is dipped in heaven, - The gorgeous hues of Italian skies, The radiant sunset's richest dyes, The light of Aurora's laughing eyes,...
All over the earth like a mantle, Golden, and green, and grey, Crimson, and scarlet, and yellow, The Autumn foliage lay; - The sun of the Indian Summer Laughed at the bare old trees...
Little bird, is that thy sphere, Yonder threat'ning cloud so near? Sunbeams blaze along its brow, Yet what darkness reigns below! There the sullen thunder mutt'ring,...