Will the shadows be lifted to-morrow? - Will the sunshine come ever again? - Will the clouds, that are weeping in sorrow, Their glorious beauty regain? Will the forest stand forth in its greenness? -...
To pray as Jesus prayed, When faithless brethren sleep, - To weep the ruin sin has made - The only ones that weep, - To bear the heavy cross, - To toil, yet murmur not, -...
I hear the beat of the unresting tide On either shore as swiftly on I glide With eager haste the narrow channel o'er, Which links the floods behind with those before. I hear behind me as I onward glide,...
Over my window in pencillings white, Stealthily traced in the silence of night - Traced with a pencil as viewless as air, By an artist unseen, when the star-beams were fair,...
Upon the plain of Dura stood an image great and high, With golden forehead broad and bright beneath the morning sky; All regal in its majesty and kingly in its mien,...
Our field is the world! - let us forth to the sowing, O'er valley and mountain, o'er desert and plain, Beside the still waters through cool meadows flowing, O'er regions unblest by the dew and the rain; -...
"ALL PERSON'S HELD AS SLAVES, within said designated States and parts of States, ARE, AND HENCEFORWARD SHALL BE FREE!" - Proclamation of Emancipation, Jan. 1st, 1863.
"Giving up three for one!" - mother, You said in the long ago, When father, yourself, and John, mother, I left, o'er the deep to go. "Giving up three for one!" - mother,...
"Time for bed!" - the weary day With its toils has passed away Sol has wrapped his forehead bright In the curtains of the night, And his glorious lamp again Lowered behind the western main...