My son places his paint box in front of me and asks me to draw a bird for him. Into the color gray I dip the brush and draw a square with locks and bars. Astonishment fills his eyes:...
We are accused of terrorism: if we defended rose and woman and the mighty verse... and the blueness of sky... A dominion... nothing left therein... No water, no air... No tent, no camel,...
I conquer the world with words, conquer the mother tongue, verbs, nouns, syntax. I sweep away the beginning of things and with a new language that has the music of water the message of fire...
"I have no power to change you or explain your ways Never believe a man can change a woman Those men are pretenders who think that they created woman from one of their ribs...
In the summer I stretch out on the shore And think of you Had I told the sea What I felt for you, It would have left its shores, Its shells, Its fish, And followed me.
Light is more important than the lantern, The poem more important than the notebook, And the kiss more important than the lips. My letters to you Are greater and more important than both of us....
When I love you A new language springs up, New cities, new countries discovered. The hours breathe like puppies, Wheat grows between the pages of books, Birds fly from your eyes with tiding of honey,...
raise me more love... raise me my prettiest fits of madness O' dagger's journey... in my flesh and knife's plunge... sink me further my lady... the sea calls me add to me more death ......