A wild spring upland all this charmed page, Where, in the early dawn, the maenads rage, Mad, chaste, and lovely! This, a darker spot Where lone Antigone bewails her lot....
Oh no, not this! This is a Roman face, Superb, composed, with such a matron grace As that of great Cornelia, never thee. Young princess of an ancient poetry!
Demeter? 'Tis a name! For in thy face A myriad women find their mourning-place! Thou, sitting lonely on the wayside stone, O pagan mother, thou art not alone! ...
Lord of all strength, behold, I am but frail! Lord of all harvest, few the grapes and pale Allotted for my wine-press! Thou, Lord, Who boldest in thy gift the tempered sword....
Spare us, Lord, that last, that dreariest ill! Thy wrath's grim thunder, and thy lightning-scorn For our iniquity, that we have worn Soft as a grace, these, if it be thy will,...