"For myself alone, I would not be Ambitious in my wish; but, for you, I would be trebled twenty times myself; A thousand times more fair, Ten thousand times more rich."
"Here's a nut, there's a nut; Hide it quick away, In a hole, under leaves, To eat some winter day. Acorns sweet are plenty, We will have them all: Skip and scamper lively...
"Not a sparrow falleth but its God doth know, Just as when his mandate lays a monarch low; Not a leaflet moveth, but its God doth see, Think not, then, O mortal, God forgetteth thee....
"Now hark, little May, If you want to do right, Under your pillow Just look every night. If you have been good All through the day, A gift you will find, Useful or gay;...
"When it comes night, We put out the light. Some blow with a puff, Some turn down and snuff; But neat folks prefer A nice extinguis_her_. So here I send you back One to put on Mr. Jack."