It wor Kursmiss day, - we wor ready for fun, Th' puddin wor boil'd an th' rooast beef wor done; Th' ale wor i'th' cellar, an th' spice-cake i'th' bin, An th' cheese wor just lively enuff to walk in....
A little lad, - bare wor his feet, His 'een wor swell'd an red, Wor sleepin, one wild New Year's neet, - A cold doorstep his bed. His little curls wor drippin weet, His clooas wor thin an old,...
Give it 'em hot, an be hanged to ther feelins! Souls may be lost wol yor choosin' yor words! Out wi' them doctrines 'at taich o' fair dealins! Daan wi' a vice tho' it may be a lord's!...
Draw thi cheer nigher th' foir, put th' knittin away, Put thi tooas up o'th' fender to warm: We've booath wrought enuff, aw should think, for a day, An a rest willn't do us mich harm....
Sleep bonny babby, thi grondad is near, Noa harm can touch thee, sleep withaat fear; Innocent craytur, soa helpless an waik, Grondad wod give up his life for thy sake, Sleep little beauty,...
'A, Johnny! A'a, Johnny! aw'm sooary for thee! But come thi ways to me, an sit o' mi knee; For it's shockin to hearken to th' words 'at tha says; - Ther wor nooan sich like things i' thi gronfayther's days. ...
Old age, aw can feel's creepin on, Aw've noa taste for what once made me glad; Mi love ov wild marlocks is gooan, An aw know awm noa longer a lad. When aw luk back at th' mile stooans aw've pass'd,...
Squibs an' crackers! Starleets an' catterin wheels! Bunfires an' traikle parkin! This is th' time for a bit ov a jollification. Guy Fawkes did a gooid turn, after all, when he tried to blow th' Parliament haase up; for we shoul...
He'd had his share ov ups an daans, His sprees an troubles too; Ov country joys an life i' taans, He'd run th' whoal gamut throo. He labored hard to mak ends meet, An keep things all ship-shap:...
"Well, Robert! what's th' matter! nah mun, Aw see 'at ther's summat nooan sweet; Thi een luk as red as a sun - Aw saw that across th' width of a street; Aw hope 'at yor Lily's noa war -...
Let's mak a gooid start, nivver fear What grum'lers an growlers may say; That nivver need cause yo a tear, For whear ther's a will ther's a way. If yo've plenty to ait an to drink,...
A'a, Jonny! a'a Johnny! aw'm sooary for thee! But come thi ways to me, an' sit o' mi knee, For it's shockin' to hearken to th' words 'at tha says: - Ther wor nooan sich like things i' thi gronofayther's days....
Have yo seen mi bonny Mary, Shoo lives at Skircoit Green; An old fowk say a fairer lass Nor her wor nivver seen. An th' young ens say shoo's th' sweetest flaar, 'At's bloomin thear to-day;...
Shiver the goblet and scatter the wine! Tempt me no more with the sight! I care not though brightly as ruby it shine, Like a serpent I know it will bite. Give me the clustering fruit of the vine, -...
Smiles are things aw like to see, an'. they're noa less acceptable becoss sometimes ther's a tear or two. A chap at's a heart ov a reight sooart under his waistcoit cannot allus be smilin'. Awve met a deal o' sooarts o' fowk i'...
Merrily rang out the midnight bells, Glad tidings of joy for all; As crouched a little shiv'ring child, Close by the churchyard wall. The snow and sleet were pitiless, The wind played with her rags,...
My heart was sad when first we met; 'Yet with a smile, - A welcome smile I ne'er forget, Thou didst beguile My sighs and sorrows;-and a sweet delight Shed a soft radiance, where erst was night. ...
Those days have gone, those happy days, When we two loved to roam, Beside the rivulet that strays, Near by my rustic home. Yes, they have fled, and in the past, We've left them far behind,...