What stupid nonsense must the Beauty Endure in her diurnal duty - Buzzings and whispers from the stores Of the fatuities of bores! Yet such impertinence must be pleasing,...
A hungry wolf had thinned the fold, Safely he refuged on the wold; And, as in den secure he lay, The thefts of night regaled his day. The shepherd's dog, who searched the glen,...
A monkey, to reform the times, Resolved to visit foreign climes; For therefore toilsomely we roam To bring politer manners home. Misfortunes serve to make us wise: Poor pug was caught, and made a prize;...
My Laura, your rebukes are prudish; For although flattery is rudish, Yet deference, not more than just, May be received without disgust. Am I a privilege denied...
The tree of deepest root is bound With most tenacity to earth; 'Twas therefore thought by ancient sages, That with the ills of life's last stages The love of life increased, with dearth...
A sheep lay tethered, and her life Fast ebbing on the butcher's knife; The silly flock looked on with dread. A wild boar, passing them, then said: "O cowards! cowards! will nought make...