The following lines were written at the request of a little girl, who said she would recite them at a Sunday School entertainment. Prof. J. S. Blackie of Edinburgh, in a letter acknowledging the receipt of my book, said he cons...
At London Thames is a broad stream, Which was the scene of a sad theme, A fragile steamer there did play, O'ercrowded on a Queen's Birthday, While all on board was bright and gay,...
England has given us the names To adorn Canadian Thames, And charms to them she has lent In Oxford, Middlesex and Kent, She Essex kisseth in her mouth, And Scottish names, one north, one south,...
Two youths employed at the fur fort Resolved to have half day of sport, From Jasper House, in the far north, For game they joyous issued forth, The factor of the Hudson Bay...
All those who quality do prize Must study color, taste and size, And keep their dishes clean and sweet, And all things round their factories neat, For dairymen insist that these...
Canada hath wealthy yeomen Whose fathers overcome the foemen, The enemy they boldly slew Was mighty forests they did hew, And where they burned heaps of slain...
In summer time we roam o'er dingle, But winter draws us round the ingle, Why do you remain thus single, When love would make two hearts tingle, Pray, tell me why my dearest wingle,...