The farmers they now all make rich Since Farrington went to Norwich, And the system first there began Of making cheese on factory plan; He came from Herkimer county, To Canada he was a bounty;...
In barren district you may meet Small fertile spot doth grow fine wheat, There you may find the choicest fruits, And great, round, smooth and solid roots.
A buffalo, lord of the plain, With massive neck and mighty mane, While from his herd he slowly strays, He on green herbage calm doth graze, And when at last he lifts his eyes...
Two youths employed at the fur fort Resolved to have half day of sport, From Jasper House, in the far north, For game they joyous issued forth, The factor of the Hudson Bay...
We love cold water as it flows from the fountain, Which nature hath brewed alone in the mountain; In the wild woods and in the rocky dell, Where man hath not been but the deer loves to dwell;...