Of their great names I may record but few; He who beholds the Ocean white with sails And copies each confuses all the view, He paints too much - and fails.
At last our Fathers saw the Treaty sealed, Victory unhelmed her broad, majestic brow, The Sword became a Sickle in the field, The war horse drew the plough. ...
A King once said of a Prince struck down, "Taller he seems in death." And this speech holds truth, for now as then 'Tis after death that we measure men, And as mists of the past are rolled away...
Behind me purplish lines marked out the town, Before me stretched the noble Roadstead's tide: And there I saw the Evening sun go down Casting a parting glory far and wide -...
Oh the women of Old Portsmouth in their patience were sublime, As in working and in praying they abided GOD's own time! Marble saints in a stately Minster, in some land across the sea,...