Now heaven in mercy be kind to the wretch, Who marries for money or fashion or folly; He'd better accept of the noose of Jack Ketch Than such a "help-meet;" or at once marry Dolly...
"Now Merdle--now Colonel--I know you are waiting. And thinking my talking to eating's a bar, Still hoping, by tasting, my appetite sating, Will give you the license to smoke a cigar. ...
While waiting debating I stated before, Jack Merdle drove up in his carriage and bays, "Halloo," said the banker, "I see you're ashore-- No wonder--this weather is all in a haze--...
In the hushed hours of night, when the air quite still, I hear the strange cry of the lone whippoorwill, Who Chants, without ceasing, that wonderful trill, Of which the sole burden is still, "Whip-poor-Will."...
When the clouds in the Western sky Flush red with the setting sun,-- When the veil of twilight falls, And the busy day is done,-- I sit and watch the clouds, With their crimson hues alight,...