It's all very well, Said the Bell, To be the big Organ below! But the folk come and go, Said the Bell, And you never can tell What sort of person the Organ will blow!...
Tumultuous rushing o'er the outstretched plains; A wildered maze of comets and of suns; The blood of changeless God that ever runs With quick diastole up the immortal veins;...
"Shew us the Father." Chiming stars of space, And lives that fit the worlds, and means and powers, A Thought that holds them up reveal to ours-- A Wisdom we have been made wise to trace....
A clock aeonian, steady and tall, With its back to creation's flaming wall, Stands at the foot of a dim, wide stair. Swing, swang, its pendulum goes, Swing--swang--here--there!...
Forth to his study the sculptor goes In a mood of lofty mirth: "Now shall the tongues of my carping foes Confess what my art is worth! In my brain last night the vision arose,...
Dear Christians, let us now rejoice, And dance in joyous measure; That, of good cheer, and with one voice, We sing in love and pleasure Of what to us our God hath shown,...
In the far forest, overhead, A bell is often heard obscurely; How long since first, no one can tell-- Nor can report explain it surely: From the lost church, the rumour hath,...
Comes there, O Earth, no breathing time for thee, No pause upon thy many-chequered lands? Now resting on my bed with listless hands I mourn thee resting not. Continually...