Mournful groans, as when a tempest lowers, Echo from the dreary house of woe; Death-notes rise from yonder minster's towers! Bearing out a youth, they slowly go; Yes! a youth unripe yet for the bier,...
Majesty of the nature of man! In crowds shall I seek thee? 'Tis with only a few that thou hast made thine abode. Only a few ever count; the rest are but blanks of no value,...
Laura! a sunrise seems to break Where'er thy happy looks may glow. Joy sheds its roses o'er thy cheek, Thy tears themselves do but bespeak The rapture whence they flow;...
I have a heartfelt aversion for crime, a twofold aversion, Since 'tis the reason why man prates about virtue so much. "What! thou hatest, then, virtue?" I would that by all it were practised,...
Earthly gods my lyre shall win your praise, Though but wont its gentle sounds to raise When the joyous feast the people throng; Softly at your pompous-sounding names,...
[In spite of Mr. Carlyle's assertion of Schiller's "total deficiency in humor," [12] we think that the following poem suffices to show that he possessed the gift in no ordinary degree, and that if the aims of a genius so essent...
Once more, then, we meet In the circles of yore; Let our song be as sweet In its wreaths as before, Who claims the first place In the tribute of song? The God to whose grace...
Within a vale, each infant year, When earliest larks first carol free, To humble shepherds cloth appear A wondrous maiden, fair to see. Not born within that lowly place...
The clouds fast gather, The forest-oaks roar A maiden is sitting Beside the green shore, The billows are breaking with might, with might, And she sighs aloud in the darkling night,...
Humanity's bright image to impair. Scorn laid thee prostrate in the deepest dust; Wit wages ceaseless war on all that's fair, In angel and in God it puts no trust;...