Who is the bard of the Iliad among you? For since he likes puddings, Heyne begs he'll accept these that from Gottingen come. "Give them to me! The kings' quarrel I sang!"...
The tyrant Dionys to seek, Stern Moerus with his poniard crept; The watchful guard upon him swept; The grim king marked his changeless cheek: "What wouldst thou with thy poniard? Speak!"...
By love are blest the gods on high, Frail man becomes a deity When love to him is given; 'Tis love that makes the heavens shine With hues more radiant, more divine, And turns dull earth to heaven! ...
Severe the proof the Grecian youth was doomed to undergo, Before he might what lurks beneath the Eleusinia know Art thou prepared and ripe, the shrine the inner shrine to win,...
Thou, by whom, freed from rules constrained and wrong, On truth and nature once again we're placed, Who, in the cradle e'en a hero strong, Stiffest the serpents round our genius laced,...
When o'er the chords thy fingers stray, My spirit leaves its mortal clay, A statue there I stand; Thy spell controls e'en life and death, As when the nerves a living breath...
Nature in charms is exhaustless, in beauty ever reviving; And, like Nature, fair art is inexhaustible too. Hail, thou honored old man! for both in thy heart thou preservest...