You can sigh o'er the sad-eyed Armenian Who weeps in her desolate home. You can mourn o'er the exile of Russia From kindred and friends doomed to roam.
Like Dives in the deeps of Hell I cannot break this fearful spell, Nor quench the fires I've madly nursed, Nor cool this dreadful raging thirst. Take back your pledge - ye come too late!...
We may sigh o'er the heavy burdens Of the black, the brown and white; But if we all clasped hands together The burdens would be more light. How to solve life's saddest problems,...
"Tim Thompson, a little negro boy, was asked to dance for the amusement of some white toughs. He refused, saying he was a church member. One of the men knocked him down with a club and then danced upon his prostrate form. He th...
"Build me a nation," said the Lord. The distant nations heard the word, Build me a nation true and strong, Bar out the old world's hate and wrong; For men had traced with blood and tears...