Bient't nous plongerons dans les froides t'n'bres; Adieu vive clart' de nos 't's trop courts! J'entends d'j' tomber avec des chocs fun'bres Le bois retentissant sur le pav' des cours. ...
Within the dwindling glow of light from languid lamps, Sunk in the softest cushions soaked with heady scent, Hippolyta lay dreaming of the thrilling touch That spread apart the veil of her young innocence. ...
Proud, like one living, of her noble height, With handkerchief and gloves, her great bouquet, She has the graceful nonchalance that might Befit a gaunt coquette with lavish ways....
Cent fois d'j' le soleil avait jailli, radieux ou attrist', de cette cuve immense de la mer dont les bords ne se laissent qu'' peine apercevoir; cent fois il s''tait replong', 'tincelant ou morose, dans...
The Fiend is at my side without a rest; He swirls around me like a subtle breeze; I swallow him, and burning fills my breast, And calls me to desire's shameful needs. ...
When Juan sought the subterranean flood, And paid his obolus on the Stygian shore, Charon, the proud and sombre beggar, stood With one strong, vengeful hand on either oar. ...
Do you, as I do, know a zesty grief, And is it said of you, 'curious man!' I dreamed of dying; in my spirit's heat Desire and horror mixed, a strange mischance; ...
Two warriors have grappled, and their arms Have flecked the air with blood and flashing steel. These frolics, this mad clanking, these alarms Proceed from childish love's frantic appeal. ...
Sweet evening comes, friend of the criminal, Like an accomplice with a light footfall; The sky shuts on itself as though a tomb, And man turns beast within his restless room. ...
Like pensive cattle, lying on the sands, they turn their eyes towards the sea's far hills, and, feet searching each other's, touching hands, know sweet languor and the bitterest thrills.
Voici venir les temps o vibrant sur sa tige Chaque fleur s'vapore ainsi qu'un encensoir; Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir; Valse mlancolique et langoureux vertige!...
I love the thought of ancient, naked days When Phoebus gilded statues with his rays. Then women, men in their agility Played without guile, without anxiety, And, while the sky stroked lovingly their skin,...
I've not forgotten, near to the town, our white house, small but alone: its Pomona of plaster, its Venus of old hiding nude limbs in the meagre grove, and the sun, superb, at evening, streaming,...
I adore you, the nocturnal vault's likeness, o vast taciturnity, o vase of sadness: I love you, my beauty, the more you flee, grace of my nights, the more you seem, to multiply distances, ah ironically,...