Let it not your wonder move, Less your laughter, that I love. Though I now write fifty years, I have had, and have, my peers; Poets, though divine, are men, Some have lov'd as old again....
Rhyme, the rack of finest wits, That expresseth but by fits True conceit, Spoiling senses of their treasure, Cozening judgment with a measure, But false weight;...
Kim, composite of all my loves, less real than most, more real than all; of my making, all the good and some of the bad, yet of yourself; sole, unique, strong, alone, whole, independent, one: yet mine...
The owl is abroad,the bat and the toad, And so is the cat-a mountain, The ant and the mole sit both in a hole, And frog peeps out o'the fountain; The dogs they do bay,and the timbrels play,...
In the ember days of my last free summer, here I lie, outside myself, watching the gross body eating a poor curry: satisfied at what I have done, scared of what I have to do in my last free winter.
Tonight, grave sir, both my poor house and I Do equally desire your company; Not that we think us worthy such a guest, But that your worth will dignify our feast...
My son finds occupation in almost nothing, in everything: my soapy penitential toothpaste, his mother's loosened hair orts, containers, useless things; watches as I pee as at Victoria Falls,...
Here lies to each her parents' Ruth, Mary, the daughter of their youth: Yet, all heaven's gifts, being heaven's due, It makes the father, less, to rue. At six months' end, she parted hence...
Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy; My sin was too much hope of thee, loved boy. Seven years thou wert lent to me, and I thee pay, Exacted by thy fate, on the just day. ...
O, that joy so soon should waste! Or so sweet a bliss As a kiss Might not for ever last! So sugared, so melting, so soft, so delicious, The dew that lies on roses, When the Morn herself discloses,...
Still to be neat, still to be dressed, As you were going to a feast; Still to be powdered, still perfumed: Lady, it is to be presumed, Though art's hid causes are not found,...
Brave infant of Saguntum, clear Thy coming forth in that great year, When the prodigious Hannibal did crown His rage, with razing your immortal town. Thou looking then about...