Who carries the gun? A lad from over the Tweed. Then let him go, for well we know He comes of a soldier breed. So drink together to rock and heather, Out where the red deer run,...
Her cheek was wet with North Sea spray, We walked where tide and shingle meet; The long waves rolled from far away To purr in ripples at our feet. And as we walked it seemed to me...
The Eastern day was well-nigh o'er When, parched with thirst and travel sore, Two of McPherson's flanking corps Across the Desert were tramping. They had wandered off from the beaten track...
Captain Temple, D.S.O., With his banjo and retriever. "Rough, I know, on poor old Flo, But, by Jove! I couldn't leave her." Niger ribbon on his breast, In his blood the Niger fever,...
There's a banner in our van, And we follow as we can, For at times we scarce can see it, And at times it flutters high. But however it be flown, Still we know it as our own,...
Squire wants the bay horse, For it is the best. Squire holds the mortgage; Where's the interest? Haven't got the interest, Can't raise a sou; Shan't sell the bay horse, Whatever he may do....
Little boy Love drew his bow at a chance, Shooting down at the ballroom floor; He hit an old chaperone watching the dance, And oh! but he wounded her sore. 'Hey, Love, you couldn't mean that!...
What of the bow? The bow was made in England: Of true wood, of yew-wood, The wood of English bows; So men who are free Love the old yew-tree And the land where the yew-tree grows. ...