She wears a cat encrusted T-shirt & panties with L*O*V*E guarding the Paradise door & when balm of night casts shadows, her face is moonrock distant to mysterious down storybook crags;...
A beach back of bric ' brac, wine goblet of sky ... . the horizon beginning somewhere between Nod & nigh unto forever with only the sigh of a Casuarina pine or sea-grape to force a smile. ...
The night is folly without the moon, trees blank space against a frontal sky where lattice work from a bled fish reveals skeletal markings will not administer the red jack of hearts to a mistress sea. ...
"Death is but a sleep" quaint rationalization even to Revolutionaries. Think of Robespierre holding his bleeding jaw or Marat outside - eyeing the inscription,...
An iron wrought gate of turpentine force conveys little pigment, almost black parchment letters mindful of hands, arched and stroked from the very stone, until an...
Orange lichens, in sun-like clusters, entomb the Rockface wall a sheer ascent from the waterline into glassy viscous green - - the plummet from skyward to lake face passes breathless squadrons...
Greet the days - greet the moon, gather the stars.. . Man is not at one with himself - collars the infidel ways of his race under pressure domes of widening silence. ...
I should be busy with words but light distracts me makes for me, in the sowing of its waves, neutral observances, a chilled awareness that the sublime is contained herein the wonders of the commonplace.
As if every living thing lived, breathed its existence explained why water took the shape of a container, studied sharpened awareness of cold, broke night spots onto a peculiar morning.