What does little birdie say In her nest at peep of day? Let me fly, says little birdie, Mother, let me fly away. Birdie, rest a little longer, Till thy little wings are stronger....
(To a tune of Blake's) I. Baby, baby bright, Sleep can steal from sight Little of your light: Soft as fire in dew, Still the life in you Lights your slumber through....
And Credhe came to where her man was, and she keened him and cried over him, and she made this complaint: The Harbour roars, O the harbour roars over the rushing race of the Headland of the Two Storms, the drowning of the hero ...
In politics there's room for jest; With frequent gibes are speeches met, And measures which are of the best Are themes for caustic humor yet. E'en though the pulpiteer we fret...
What needs our Cromwell stone or bronze to say His was the light that lit on England's way The sundawn of her time-compelling power, The noontide of her most imperial day?...
Before them lay the heaving deep Behind, the foemen pressed; And every face grew dark with fear, And anguish filled each breast Save one, the Leader's, he, serene, Beheld, with dauntless mind,...
If you're going to drop the gauntlet at least put on the dress of a full warrior - paint, rouge, lipstick, sheer stockings and enough powder to smother a savage; then form a straight line...
A man came slowly from the setting sun, To Emer, raddling raiment in her dun, And said, "I am that swineherd whom you bid Go watch the road between the wood and tide,...
Tell it to the locked-up trees, Cuckoo, bring your song here! Warrant, Act and Summons, please, For Spring to pass along here! Tell old Winter, if he doubt, Tell him squat and square, a! Old Woman!...
Pit where the buffalo cooled his hide, By the hot sun emptied, and blistered and dried; Log in the plume-grass, hidden and lone; And where the earth-rat's mounds are strown;...
By his side, whose days are past, Lay bow and quiver! And his eyes that stare aghast Close, with a shiver. God nor man from Death, at last, Love may deliver. ...
A lottery, a Lottery, In Cupid's court there used to be; Two roguish eyes The highest prize In Cupid's scheming Lottery; And kisses, too, As good as new, Which weren't very hard to win,...
I came your way in the years gone by, In the summers that now are old, And then there was light in your beaming eye, And love was living and hopes were high At the Sign of the Heart of Gold. ...