The wolf and fox are neighbours strange: I would not build within their range. The fox once eyed with strict regard From day to day, a poultry-yard; But though a most accomplish'd cheat,...
No pond nor pool within his haunt But paid a certain cormorant Its contribution from its fishes, And stock'd his kitchen with good dishes. Yet, when old age the bird had chill'd,...
Thrysis - who for his Annette dear Made music with his flute and voice, Which might have roused the dead to hear, And in their silent graves rejoice - Sang once the livelong day,...
A fly and ant, upon a sunny bank, Discuss'd the question of their rank. 'O Jupiter!' the former said, 'Can love of self so turn the head, That one so mean and crawling,...
A knight of powder-horn and shot Once fill'd his bag - as I would not, Unless the feelings of my breast By poverty were sorely press'd - With birds and squirrels for the spits...
A fool pursued, with club and stone, A sage, who said, 'My friend, well done! Receive this guinea for your pains; They well deserve far higher gains. The workman's worthy of his hire,...
A fool, in town, did wisdom cry; The people, eager, flock'd to buy. Each for his money got, Paid promptly on the spot, Besides a box upon the head, Two fathoms' length of thread....
Of fools come never in the reach: No rule can I more wisely teach. Nor can there be a better one Than this, - distemper'd heads to shun. We often see them, high and low....
A woodcutter had broken or lost the handle of his hatchet and found it not easy to get it repaired at once. During the time, therefore, that it was out of use, the woods enjoyed a respite from further damage. At last the man ca...
'Tis oft from chance opinion takes its rise, And into reputation multiplies. This prologue finds pat applications In men of all this world's vocations; For fashion, prejudice, and party strife,...
Reputations may be made by the merest chances, and yet reputations control the fashions. That is a little prologue that would fit the case of all sorts of people. Everywhere around one sees prejudices, scheming, and obtuseness;...
The great are like the maskers of the stage; Their show deceives the simple of the age. For all that they appear to be they pass, With only those whose type's the ass....
A fox once journey'd, and for company A certain bearded, horned goat had he; Which goat no further than his nose could see. The fox was deeply versed in trickery....
Old Father Fox, who was known to be mean, Invited Dame Stork in to dinner. There was nothing but soup that could scarcely be seen: - Soup never was served any thinner....
Against a robber fox, a tree Some turkeys served as citadel. That villain, much provoked to see Each standing there as sentinel, Cried out, 'Such witless birds At me stretch out their necks, and gobble!...
Some young turkeys were lucky enough to find a tree which served them as a citadel against the assaults of a certain fox. He, one night, having made the round of the rampart and seen each turkey watching like a sentinel, exclai...
A fox, old, subtle, vigilant, and sly, - By hunters wounded, fallen in the mud, - Attracted, by the traces of his blood, That buzzing parasite, the fly. He blamed the gods, and wonder'd why...