What magic through your snowy crystal gleams! Your hollow spar, Spring brims with fragrancy; That, like the cup of Comus, drugs with dreams This woodland place, so drowsed with mystery....
The sun shines fair on Tweedside, the river flowing bright, Your heart is full of pleasure, your eyes are full of light, Your cheeks are like the morning, your pearls are like the dew,...
'Tis a wonderful time when these hours begin, These long 'small hours' of night, When grass is crisp, and the air is thin, And the stars come close and bright. The moon hangs caught in a silvery veil,...
Deprived of root, and branch and rind, Yet flowers I bear of every kind: And such is my prolific power, They bloom in less than half an hour; Yet standers-by may plainly see...
She wore a sweet pink bonnet, The sweetest ever known: And as I gazed upon it, My heart was not my own. For - I know not why or wherefore - A pink bonnet put on well,...
They brought the mighty chief to town; They showed him strange, unwonted sights; Yet as he wandered up and down, He seemed to scorn their vain delights. His face was grim, his eye lacked fire,...
Now to my lips lift then some opiate Of black forgetfulness! while in thy gaze Still lures the loveless beauty that betrays, And in thy mouth the music that is hate....
While yet the world was young, and men were few, Nor lurking fraud, nor tyrant rapine knew, In virtue rude, the gaudy arts they scorn'd, Which, virtue lost, degenerate times adorn'd:...
If all the end of this continuous striving Were simply to attain, How poor would seem the planning and contriving The endless urging and the hurried driving Of body, heart and brain! ...
Though frankincense the deities require, We must not give all to the hallow'd fire. Such be our gifts, and such be our expense, As for ourselves to leave some frankincense.
How often in the years that close, When truce had stilled the sieging gun, The soldiers, mounting on their works, With mutual curious glance have run From face to face along the fronting show,...
For one throb of the artery, While on that old grey stone I Sat Under the old wind-broken tree, I knew that One is animate, Mankind inanimate fantasy'.